Nov 7, 2012
Upcoming Giveaway + Pinterest
Genius, really. Pinterest is like your good old-fashioned Tumblr or Instagram. You can upload or "pin" photos onto boards to proclaim your favorite foods, clothes, books, and more! You can find tons of clever sayings or adorable photos to "repin" or re-post on your own board. Or if you wish, you may just simply browse and "like" photos.
I have my own account as well as some fellow authors that I follow. Below are their links and mine, where not only can you get some inspiration, but you can connect visuals to my book Emerald Butterfly and many other great books out there:
My Pinterest:
Sarah J Maas (author of Throne of Glass):
Sarah Dessen:
James Patterson:
The giveaway details will be out soon, most likely by the end of the month on how to enter the Pinterest Giveaway.
Also more news on Emerald Butterfly. The novel is awaiting acceptance from two literary agents and a publisher from previous meetings at the Writer's Digest Conference. If any of you are debating if the conference is worth investing your time and money in, I would say, "YES" and highly suggest attending. It's the opportunity of a lifetime and a great way to learn many things about the industry from the experts themselves.
Stay creative & keep writing!
-Amanda Nuri
Nov 3, 2012
Divergent Movie Underway!
Oct 8, 2012
Events Updated!
The events page has been updated! There will soon be a giveaway, but I will not yet give out the details on what I'm giving away! ;)
If you're attending the Writers' Digest Conference in Hollywood, CA shoot me a message, email, comment, whatever! I enjoy meeting other authors and getting extra resources and advice.
See you there.
-Amanda Nuri
Aug 29, 2012

Nevermore by James Patterson is the final installment of the Maximum Ride series.
I began reading the Maximum Ride series when I was 14 and have grown up these past two years with Max like a best friend. I longed to be a part of her cause, fight by her side, and risk my life in her endless adventures. 98% avian, 2% kid Maximum Ride is the tough, kick-butt heroine in this series which consists of a total of eight books.
Here is the quick synopsis for Nevermore:
One last chance...
For Max, Fang, Angel, Iggy, Nudge, and Gazzy.
Before it all ends.
Are you ready for the final chapter? Are you ready for the ultimate flight? Because THIS IS IT. One last incredible, explosive adventure with an astonishing ending that no one could have seen coming.
Though, I wasn't a fan of Max's choice of winged boy (you can read my full response on Goodreads), it was a great ending to the series. Enjoy!
-Amanda Nuri
Aug 3, 2012
To Recap...
If you guys didn't catch the winners of the June Book giveaway, Rachel O. won the grand prize and Michelle L. won the Starbucks gift card! Congratulations ladies! Stay tuned for more info on more giveaways and events.
Thanks for all who entered!
-Amanda Nuri
Jul 31, 2012
Winners of the Giveaway To Be Announced August 1st
-Amanda Nuri
P.S. There will be more giveaways to come, so stay tuned! ;)
Jul 27, 2012
New Author Interview!
Check out my author interview on Shut Up & Read's blog over my book Emerald Butterfly! Tons of exclusive info on my nobel and much more. Go check it out now:
-Amanda Nuri
Jul 23, 2012
One Week to Win!
There is only one week left to sign up for the Summer Book Giveaway! Don't forget that even if you don't win the books, you could win the Starbucks gift card! This is a giveaway you can't miss out on. So enjoy your summer while it lasts.
-Amanda Nuri
Jul 15, 2012
Are You In?
Hope you all are signing up for the contest because I'm ready to ship these beautiful books! :) Keep entering, and let your friends know about the contest so we can share the love. More news to come soon!
Jun 30, 2012
Introducing the New Summer Book Giveaway!
The summer book giveaway is now up! Now you can enter daily and win the June prize pack plus some new giveaways, including a copy of Maggie Stiefvater's Shiver and a Starbucks gift card to grab a coffee as you enjoy all your new books. There is now a position for a runner-up to win a $5 Starbucks gift card as well! Enter now at the bottom of the blog and invite your friends!
-Amanda Nuri
Jun 29, 2012
June Book Giveaway Possible Extended Date
Hello everyone,
There is decision underway to extend the end date for the June Book Giveaway. I'm thinking of combining it with the July Book Giveaway! It will be twice the goodies and twice the time to enter! More entries will be allowed and there will be a better chance of winning!
But the giveaway won't last forever! So invite all your friends to enter and win!
-Amanda Nuri
P.S. Watch out for the sneak peak on what's in the July Book Giveaway coming soon!
Jun 27, 2012
Connect with Readers

The best way to connect with your readers or your favorite authors is undoubtedly Goodreads. Goodreads offers a safe and friendly community for readers of all ages, genres, and levels. Review books, follow authors, or create a list of all your favorite reads. Join now!
If you already have a Goodreads profile friend me or become a fan of my author profile:
Jun 24, 2012
Want more? Read an Excerpt!
Jun 21, 2012
Emerald Butterfly will soon be available on Ebook!
For all those Nook fans out there, I'm making an easier, more accessible version of my book so you can read it.
Keep on reading!
-Amanda Nuri
Jun 19, 2012
Free Ebook Available!
Hi everyone,
For your enjoyment my Ebook, Montana: The Wanderer, is now available for FREE!!! Exclusively on, download it now to share with friends and your fellow readers:
A little description of the short story:
A 15-year-old girl. A wanderer. In search of the genuine, true meaning of life. She finds that the only way to find it is to go search for it yourself!
Keep on reading!
-Amanda Nuri
Jun 15, 2012
Want to promote your writing blog?
Emerald Butterfly is very open to having other fellow authors and writers share their blogs on here! So whether you have a website, blog, or just something to share shoot me an email and I'd be glad to put your blog/website link up!
-Amanda Nuri
Jun 1, 2012
The June Book Giveaway!
For the whole month of June, you can enter to win four awesome books and authentic Emerald Butterfly artwork!
This month's books include: Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick, Ashes by Ilsa Bick, Skeleton Creek by Patrick Carman, and an autographed copy of Emerald Butterfly!
How to enter:
You can enter up to three entries for this contest! So complete one or more of the following (one of these tasks count as one entry):
1) Follow @Emeraldbuterfly on Twitter and tweet: "Follow @Emeradldbuterfly and enter the June Book Giveaway now!"
2) Like the Emerald Butterfly Page on Facebook and place the following post on the wall: "Like Emerald Butterfly and enter the June Book Giveaway now!"
3) Follow the Emerald Butterfly blog during the month of June. (If you're already a follower and would like to enter, just do one of the above and you're automatically entered twice/thrice!)
A random winner will be selected and announced on July 1st, 2012! Happy entering! :)
Contest ends June 30, 2012 at 11:59pm PST.
May 31, 2012
The Official Emerald Butterfly Book Trailer
Want to get excited for the release of Emerald Butterfly on an this July? Watch the official book trailer for Emerald Butterfly now!
May 28, 2012
I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You

Here's the synopsis:
Cammie Morgan is a student at the Gallagher Academy for Exceptional Young Women, a fairly typical all-girls school--typical that is, if every school taught advanced martial arts in PE and the latest in chemical warfare in science, and students received extra credit for breaking CIA codes in computer class. The Gallagher Academy might claim to be a school for geniuses, but it's really a school for spies.
Even though Cammie is fluent in fourteen languages and capable of killing a man seven different ways wither her bare hands, she has no idea what to do when she meets an ordinary boy who thinks she's an ordinary girl. Sure, she can tap his phone, hack into his computer, or track him through town with the skill of a real "pavement artist"--but can she maneuver a relationship with someone who can never know the truth about her?
This book was extremely entertaining to me. The idea of a kick-butt girl who could save the world in a moment's notice but has no clue when it comes to normal boys and normal dates, fabricates the perfect quirky romantic novel.
The characters are easily loved as they are easily able to disable the toughest of alarms and locks. The cover gives a simple but memorable design of what's inside the book.
The best part of this novel was the suspenseful climax when Cammie and her classmates tackle their final exam. The girls are so real and pliable that you feel as if you could befriend them yourself (that is if you don't spill their secret).
Happy Reading! :)
-Amanda Nuri
Want a Sneak Peek of this Summer's Book Giveaway?
An autographed book, one copy of a video book, a copy of a Sci-Fi Thriller, a favorite book from the author of Emerald Butterfly (me) and authentic art done by The Heart Of A Painter admin!
Full details will be released on June 1st!
Happy Reading!
-Amanda Nuri
May 23, 2012
Pursuing a Career in the Writing Industry?

Join Writer's Digest's Community! You can get help with your writing career and take the first step toward achieving your dreams as an author.
Being a member of helpful writing groups, forums, blogs, and many other discussions to recieve critique, advice, and help from authors just like you!
May 22, 2012
The Girl of Fire and Thorns
It seems like a very good read and most likely I will be pouncing on a copy by tomorrow! Here's the synopsis:
Elisa is the chosen one.
But she is also the younger of two princesses. The one who has never done anything remarkable, and can’t see how she ever will.
Now, on her sixteenth birthday, she has become the secret wife of a handsome and worldly king—a king whose country is in turmoil. A king who needs her to be the chosen one, not a failure of a princess.
And he’s not the only one who seeks her. Savage enemies, seething with dark magic,are hunting her. A daring, determined revolutionary thinks she could be his people’s savior, and he looks at her in a way that no man has ever looked at her before. Soon it is not just her life, but her very heart that is at stake.
Elisa could be everything to those who need her most. If the prophecy is fulfilled. If she finds the power deep within herself. If she doesn’t die young.
Most of the chosen do.
If any of you have read this book, comment below! I'd love to know if my fellow teen readers loved this as much as I feel I would.
May 21, 2012
Monthly Book Giveaways!
More details soon!
May 20, 2012
Hush, Hush Saga by Becca Fitzpatrick
Fitzpatrick has an inspiring power with words that leads you down a twisted path of angels, humans, and Nephillim. Nora Grey's young and curious narration is so utterly real you feel as if you can sympathize with her yourself.
The characters maintain a strong sense of themselves throughout the entire work yet the incidents in the novel remain fresh and satisfyingly exciting.
The final book of the saga is going to be released this coming fall!
-Amanda Nuri
May 14, 2012
Love the Hunger Games?
-Amanda Nuri