Nevermore by James Patterson is the final installment of the Maximum Ride series.
I began reading the Maximum Ride series when I was 14 and have grown up these past two years with Max like a best friend. I longed to be a part of her cause, fight by her side, and risk my life in her endless adventures. 98% avian, 2% kid Maximum Ride is the tough, kick-butt heroine in this series which consists of a total of eight books.
Here is the quick synopsis for Nevermore:
One last chance...
For Max, Fang, Angel, Iggy, Nudge, and Gazzy.
Before it all ends.
Are you ready for the final chapter? Are you ready for the ultimate flight? Because THIS IS IT. One last incredible, explosive adventure with an astonishing ending that no one could have seen coming.
Though, I wasn't a fan of Max's choice of winged boy (you can read my full response on Goodreads), it was a great ending to the series. Enjoy!
-Amanda Nuri